Most money today is known as 'fiat money'-Fiat is a dictatorial order or decree given bu a person or group of people having complete authority. Money today is debt. Our currency today is an instrument of debt. Every is backed by an IOU(I Owe You) guaranteed to be payed by the taxpayers of our country. We are indebted into our country in form of taxes. There are different forms of taxes, start a company and your liable to corporate tax, your are a shareholder in a company, your taxed on your dividends. your an employee you owe the government PAYE(pay as you earn). you start a small business, you need to pay licene for operating. Buy a piece of real estate and you the government property tax. It is through all these taxes and licence paymens that the masses become indebted into the government. We have to pay taxes to backup our country's debt(currency). The bigger the country's tax base, the stronger and wealthier the nation becomes. Am not a tax activist but taxes...
C.E.O and founder Weegle technologies Entrepreneur and business enthusiast.