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10 Daily habits of most successful entrepreneurs.

“You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” ~ John C Maxwell
How many of these top 10 entrepreneur habits do you have today? What good habits can you start and what bad habits can you stop to change your results tomorrow?
1) Create a routine - Set a rhythm to connect to the big 5 P’s every day: Purpose (why?), Products (what?), People (who?), Processes (when?), Productivity (how?)
2) Keep the mornings for the toughest projects - Start with what’s most important, not what’s most urgent. Make yourself 80% proactive, 20% reactive.
3) Work out & meditate - Richard Branson says the #1 thing he does to improve his business success is exercise. The universe will only look after you as well as you look after yourself.
4) Give a head start to tomorrow today - Design each day ahead of time and ask the same question Steve Jobs asked: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I’m about to do today?”
5) Schedule time for revenue generating activities - Know how much each hour of your time is worth, and the revenue it will result in.
6) Track your progress - We treasure what we measure. Ensure everyone in your team has at least one (and no more than three) measures and milestones to track their progress.
7) Refresh yourself with quality family time - Your biggest danger is burnout. That doesn’t happen from the quantity of time in the game, but the lack of time out.
8) Encourage your team to provide solutions not problems - Lead by being the one asking questions, not the one giving answers.
9) Segregate each day for separate business activities - Get your team into sync with a minimum of meetings and disruptions. Define every hour by outcome, not busy-ness.
10) Continue learning - Day in, day out, up or down, keep growing the number one asset you have: Yourself.
Success doesn’t come from big goals, but small actions repeating themselves. A river cuts through a rock not because of its power, but because of its persistence.
So choose one habit to change, and change it today!
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” ~ Aristotle


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