unsatisfied people, people tired of being told what they can do and when they can do it, people fed up with their lack of choices and personal freedoms, people fed up
with being controlled by others, fed up with being oppressed, fed up with
being manipulated.
people who wake up from their dream and say enough is enough and am not live my life like this anymore. They take full responsibility of whatever happens to them.
The universal law of use states "whatever you don't use you lose" hence lack of use causes loss.
Faith unused decreases, if you don't use your freedom you lose your freedom and if you don't use your skills you lose your skills.
we do everything we can to spread all the suffering in our society and yet no one is willing to step up to be part of the solution.
Faith unused decreases, if you don't use your freedom you lose your freedom and if you don't use your skills you lose your skills.
we do everything we can to spread all the suffering in our society and yet no one is willing to step up to be part of the solution.
Our society is nolonger based on value it's now based on entitlement and senioriy. We act as if someone owes us a living and this is due to the
dramatic rise of confirmity in our society.
pressures are put on us everyday to do things the right way and yet no
one asks the question is this the right way?
We live our lives trying to please those around us but the most scary thing is those around us are doing exactly the same thing.
dramatic rise of confirmity in our society.
pressures are put on us everyday to do things the right way and yet no
one asks the question is this the right way?
We live our lives trying to please those around us but the most scary thing is those around us are doing exactly the same thing.
According to psycologists the world today is dominated by outer directed people people who react instead of act; people who want to fit instead of seeking to be outsanding; people who like to respond but don't like to
A wise man once said " A massive man
lives life in quiet desparation."
A wise man once said " A massive man
lives life in quiet desparation."
Inner directed people are people with their own purpose, people who are not swayed by the opinions of
others, people who act, people who seek to be outstansing, people who
We need more strong people in this world because the weak with their shear mass are forcing weak ideals on
us all.
We need self discipline so as to choose what we want to do with our life.
Massive social economic changes are awakening a slumbering giant.
Please wake up and stop dreaming, come back to reality.
Another wise man once said "If a man wants his dreams to come true, he must first wake up."
others, people who act, people who seek to be outstansing, people who
We need more strong people in this world because the weak with their shear mass are forcing weak ideals on
us all.
We need self discipline so as to choose what we want to do with our life.
Massive social economic changes are awakening a slumbering giant.
Please wake up and stop dreaming, come back to reality.
Another wise man once said "If a man wants his dreams to come true, he must first wake up."
Ahabwe Collins is ,
Sales executive at SUNSINE technologies
Entrepreneur and business enthusiast.
Find more at my personal blog