Over the last 100yrs, an interesting phenomenon occurred. The rise of the Corporation became the standard in society. The safe and respected place for people to exist in the work place was as an employee:
#Step 1: Go to school to learn how to be an employee.
#Step 2: Find a company that will employ you.
#Step 3: Work for that company for 35yrs.
#Step 4: Retire( You discover that you can't retire comfortably after 35 years, so you keep working.
Now we are going through the biggest shift in any of our lifetimes. For a century, companies have paid people by the hour, by the week,by the month or by the year. That's changing on a global level.
The world is moving toward a performance economy. And it is already happening. Here is what that means: In the future, you are only going to be paid for performance. You wont be paid for your time anymore.
The NEW ECONOMY needs fewer people, so the company has more people competing for fewer and fewer jobs.
Technology and Efficiency are eliminating jobs every single day, and there is nothing we can do to stop it. Infact, it's only going to accelerate. If you are sitting there waiting for the economy to bounce back and for jobs to return, don't. They aren't coming back.
Just like the children of farmers saw the handwriting on the wall and left farming for new vocations, the same thing is happening for people working in old Economy jobs. To survive, they will need to open their eyes to this reality and find something new.